Physician’s Advice On BRCA Genetic Testing For Ovary And Breast Cancer Patients

Researched by Belong.Life and published by ASCO 2020

Author: Daniel A. Vorobiof

The 2019 US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that women with a personal and familiar history of BC and OC undergo a BRCA genetic testing so that risk assessment, prevention options and treatment changes are considered.

BC and OC members of global mobile application for cancer pts and caregivers, replied to a 9 question’s survey regarding the incidence of BRCA testing. The survey included questions on demographics, BRCA testing performed, who advised it, and on treatment changes. This RWD was analyzed by data scientists using AI and machine learning engines.

377 pts with BC (302/80%) and OC (75/20%) replied to the survey. BC pts ages were < 50 yrs in 32%, 36% were 51-60 yrs and 32% > 61 yrs. 24% of OC pts were < 50 yrs, 35% were 51-60 yrs and 41% > 61 yrs. 73% of BC pts were USA based and 27% from rest of the world (RoW). OC pts were 62% from USA and 38% from RoW. Most of BC pts were stage 1-2 (58%) and 35% stages 3-4. OC pts stages were 3-4 (73%) and 15% stage 1-2. BRCA testing was performed in 192/302 BC pts (64%). In the OC group 60/75 pts (80%) had BRCA testing. Physicians advised to have BRCA testing to 57% of BC pts and 76% of OC, while families/friends suggested it to 4% of BC and OC pts. BRCA test was positive in 19% of BC and 48% of OC pts. 110 BC pts(36%) didn’t undergo the test of whom 74 pts (67%) didn’t receive physician’s advice to have it . Of those pts, 24 (32%) fell under the USPSTF recommendation criteria for testing.

BRCA testing should be recommended for all pts with recently diagnosed BC and OC and in those with a higher chance of having a mutation, as defined by the USPSTF guidelines. In this RWD evaluation of BC and OC pts, BRCA testing in BC was done in 192/302 pts (64%) while in OC pts it was done in 60/75 pts (80%). Overall, physicians requested the BRCA test in only 57% of BC pts and 76% of the OC pts. In spite of the current USPSTF guidelines, a number of BC pts who didn’t receive advise from their physician (32%) fell under those recommendations, most having their disease diagnosed at < 50 yrs and triple negative disease < 60 yrs. Physicians should be encouraged to follow published guidelines recommendations for BRCA testing for all newly diagnosed BC and OC pts.

For more info: Real-World data (RWD) of physician’s advice on BRCA genetic testing for ovary (OC) and breast cancer (BC) patients (pts)

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