Belong group – Melanoma MD
Prof. Michal Lotem is the head of the center for melanoma and Cancer Immunotherapy at the Hadassah Medical Center. Prof. Lotem participated in pivotal clinical trials that led to FDA’s approvals and is conducting anti-cancer vaccination protocols. Most recent is the use of engineered cancer cells with improved properties of activating immune cells. Prof. Lotem graduated at the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, has a Board Certification in Dermatology and Clinical and Radiation Oncology. She conducted her post-doctoral research fellowship at NCI, Bethesda, MD and is a visiting professor at Ronald Levy’s lab, pioneer of Monoclonal antibody-based lymphoma therapy and cancer immunotherapy, Stanford, CA. Prof. Lotem’s belief is that researcher clinicians should be the motivating force to guide scientific research to meet the acute needs of developing and advancing cancer cure.
A cancer diagnosis comes with many uncertainties, leading to difficult questions like: ‘Am I making…